December 29, 2009

Weekend in NYC

I'm pretty pleased with myself for tearing my fingers away from the internet for at least a couple of lovely days off...My long weekend was filled with cookie baking, yummy sushi, home cooking from some real Southern belles (has anyone ever tried a sausage ball?? mmmm), a few too many rounds of Balderdash, a late night and an early morning movie (Yes, I dragged a very, very accommodating boyfriend to New Moon), Broadway (I wouldn't really recommend the TKTS line on a rainy, day-after-Christmas, but we had an almost expiring gift certificate to use and scored great seats to Next to Normal!), brunch at Freeman's (mmm skillet eggs), the Brooklyn Museum (see post below), and a couple episodes of Mad Men...phew.

The next week is a bit of a craze... photoshooting at work, New Years, and preparing for a trip that involves over twenty hours of air travel and a stop-over in Korea (more on that later this week). So, bare with me, and I apologize in advance if posting is a little light for the next two weeks or so. But I'll be back in action in no time, so stay with me!!


(I bought the above print by Leia Bell at SXSW's Flatstock poster show in 2007. Although I'm not much of a cat person, this kitty is framed above my bed and always gets me ready for sleepy-time...goodnight!)


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