Shakespeare in the Park is one of those New York traditions I'm so happy I was finally able to experience. Thanks to my persistent roomie for waking up before 5am to get in line for 8+ hours! I saw the Merchant of Venice, and while Al Pacino's performance was fantastic, the story was definitely unsettling (read synopsis here if you don't know what I'm talking about).
Anyway, every year I look forward to the new poster campaign that will be plastered all over the subway system. For the past 14 years, they have been designed by Paula Scher at Pentagram. She has developed a typographically driven branding system that always manages to make classic Shakespeare work seem fresh and exciting. Below are two from recent seasons...
Here is the original poster from 1994...
And some more from past years...

Do you have a favorite?
I'm pretty fond of the Free Love one.
I've always wanted to go to a Shakespeare in the Park performance... but it's rather difficult to do so when you live in Maine, haha. We have Shakespeare in the Park in Portland.... but the quality is not QUITE as good, haha.
It's actually rather difficult to do so even when you live in NY! My roommate got in line at 5:30am and was only able to get a stand-by voucher at 1pm (all the real tickets were already given out to people in front of her in line). We had to go back to the theater an hour and a half before the show to wait again and at about 2 mins. after the show was supposed to start, we got stand-by tickets.... phew.
It seems so tough to get in--lucky you! Sounds like you have an awesome roommate.
The Henry VIII was the first to catch my eye (I like the style), but the Free Love poster seems the most inventive (and is equally arresting if not more). It's a great design.
Nice. i saw this poster in the subway and thought "interesting design...hmmmmnn" didn't know Paula designed it. and what a history.
the guy who did it is a great musician! there's no doubt about it!
Thank youu for sharing this
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